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Alifa, R. & Rahmawati, m I. (2021). Analysis Theory Hexagons Fraud As Detector Financial Statement Fraud.
Fajri, MAN, Febrianti. GB, & Rahmayani, S. (2023). The Influence of the Fraud Hexagon on Fraud Reports Finance in Property and Real Estate Companies Listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange 2018- 2021
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Jannah, MV, & Andreas., Rasuli, M. (2021). Vousinas Fraud Hexagon Model Approach in Detecting Fraud Reporting Finance
Kiki, ICE and Siti, M. 2022. Factor Analysis Which Influence It happened Financial Statement Fraud: Fraud Hexagon Theory Perspective (Empirical Study of Banking Sector Companies Listed on the Stock Exchange Indonesian Effect Period 2018–2020).
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Rana, A. and Mia, IR Theoretical Analysis Hexagons Fraud as FinancialDetection Statement Fraud.
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Sagala, SG, & Siagian, V. (2021). The Influence of the Fraud Hexagon Model on Fraudulent Financial Reports in Company Sub Sector Food and Drink Which Registered in BEI Year 2016- 2019. Journal Accountancy, 13(2), 245– 259.
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Septiningrum, KE, & Mutmainah, S. (2022). Analysis of Factors That Influence the Occurrence of Financial Statements Fraud: Perspective Fraud Hexagons Theory (Studies Empirical on Company Sector Banking Which Registered in stock Exchange Indonesia 2018–2020 period).
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Yanti, DD, & Munary, m (2021). Analysis Fraud Pentagon to Fraud Report Finance on Sector Manufacturing company, Vol.3 (No 1), Pg 154-165.